Get a Grip on Crop Protection
Don't let growers cut corners when it comes to their yields.
Even if commodity prices dip, skimping on crop protection investments isn't the way to go. Now, more than ever, it is crucial to help farmers get the most out of every acre.
Don't risk their crop protection investments to low-quality adjuvants or gamble with micronutrients or PGRs that don't have robust data backing them up.
At WinField United, we conduct extensive testing and research on every product before it goes to market to ensure it will perform in the field. From controlled environments and wind tunnels at the Innovation Center to real-life field conditions at our 90+ Answer Plot® locations, our products are put to the test and only make it to market if they pass with flying colors.
Performance Products From WinField United
MAX-IN® Ultra ZMB® Plus Micronutrient
A foliar micronutrient formulation containing the three most common nutrients deficient in corn and soybeans: zinc, manganese and boron. It can be applied anytime in season and has exceptional flexibility with tank-mix approval for all major traits, including Enlist® One, Enlist Duo®, XtendiMax® and Engenia®.* MAX-IN Ultra ZMB Plus also contains CornSorb technology to help break through the leaf’s defensive barrier and increase micronutrient uptake.
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Ascend2® Plant Growth Regulator
Ascend2 is the only auxin-dominant, three-way PGR on the market, which is important because auxins are crucial for early-season growth and stress alleviation. An in-furrow application of Ascend2 PGR along with starter fertilizer has been proven to help promote quick, even emergence and strong, deep root development for season-long benefits.
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InterLock® Adjuvant
This drift and deposition aid helps optimize droplet size to reduce driftable fines that can blow away or evaporate instead of land on your intended target. InterLock adjuvant also helps enhance canopy penetration so the spray solution can reach lower leaves for optimized herbicide performance.
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MasterLock® Adjuvant
MasterLock adjuvant combines InterLock and DropTight® additive technology in one crop-based adjuvant to help enhance spray coverage of fungicides and insecticides. The combination of increased adhesion, reduction in bounce and increased canopy penetration helps you get more active ingredient right where you need it.
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Class Act® NG® Adjuvant
Class Act NG adjuvant has been a leader in AMS-based water conditioners for more than 20 years. It combines AMS with a nonionic surfactant and antifoaming agent in a liquid premix. The nonionic surfactant helps improve the spreading and sticking characteristics of the herbicide to improve plant absorption and metabolism, resulting in faster and more effective weed control. Plus, it’s formulated with CornSorb® technology to help improve herbicide uptake and movement in the plant.
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Superb® HC Adjuvant
A crop oil concentrate with surfactant for use with glyphosate herbicides. This paraffinic petroleum oil is formulated especially for post-emergence herbicides that require a crop oil concentrate. Superb HC can typically be used at half the use rate of standard crop oil concentrates.
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StrikeLock® Adjuvant
A methylated seed oil with drift reduction technology formulated specifically for oil-loving herbicides. StrikeLock is well suited for use with most PPO inhibitors in burndown applications to help reduce drift and improve deposition for optimal pesticide performance.
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2023 Adjuvant and HIF Testing and Research Stats
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Take A Look Inside Our Innovation Center
Introducing New MAX-IN® Ultra ZMB® Plus Micronutrient
Get To Know Ascend2 PGR
* Tavium® approval is pending.
© 2023 WinField United. Important: Before use always read and follow label instructions. Crop performance is dependent on several factors many of which are beyond the control of WinField United, including without limitation, soil type, pest pressures, agronomic practices and weather conditions. Growers are encouraged to consider data from multiple locations, over multiple years and to be mindful of how such agronomic conditions could impact results. Answer Plot, Ascend2, Class Act, CornSorb, DropTight, InterLock, MasterLock, MAX-IN, NG, StrikeLock, Superb, WinField and ZMB are trademarks of WinField United. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.