Farmers Find Success In 2024 With Advanced Acre® Rx and SECURE™ Financing

2024 wasn’t without its struggles for farmers. High interest rates, lower commodity prices and challenging environmental conditions are just a few hurdles you faced. Yet, amid these struggles, farmers achieved national record-breaking soybean and corn yields.1 Farmers are masters of overcoming the odds to succeed, and we saw how the Advanced Acre Rx (AARx) program and SECURE financing supported you with that this season.
AARx Eased Decision-Making
One of the standout features of the AARx program is its ability to help mitigate risk in uncertain seasons. In my area of Minnesota, farmers initially hesitant to apply fungicides in a dry season found comfort in the AARx program’s structured approach and risk mitigation benefits. With the support of their trusted agronomy advisors, these growers had a clear plan vetted in data and didn’t have to second guess themselves when the time came to apply fungicides.
In some cases, growers who initially considered pulling the plug on fungicides decided to stick with their original plans, thanks to their AARx program recommendations. As the season progressed, those who used AARx recommendations on some acres, but not all, found themselves wishing they had applied more fungicide, especially on corn.
Despite the dry conditions, the data behind the AARx recommendations empowered farmers to make informed decisions, leading to increased yields in many cases. With the emergence of tar spot in new areas last season, I see more growers considering AARx as part of their 2025 plans to help mitigate the risk of this challenging disease.
Proven Success In An On-Farm Trial
While drought certainly challenged some areas in Minnesota, there were bright spots. In certain regions of central Minnesota, timely rains provided just the moisture crops needed at key growth stages. One memorable success story comes from a grower who enrolled in the AARx program this season as a new fungicide user. He enrolled half of his soybean acres in the AARx program and left the other half as a control to compare results. At the end of the season, his AARx-enrolled acres outperformed the control by an average of nearly 12 bushels per acre.2 This firsthand success has boosted his confidence in the AARx program and sparked interest among neighboring farmers.
Financing Made Easy
As you plan for the coming season, addressing economic challenges is crucial, particularly as commodity prices fluctuate. SECURE financing from WinField United has become a valuable resource for many growers, providing favorable repayment terms and purchasing flexibility you can’t always get with other offers. Competitive interest rates and streamlined enrollment have made SECURE a popular choice, allowing farmers to direct their attention and energy to managing crops instead of paperwork. SECURE also helps simplify the purchasing process by offering a one-stop shop to evaluate, finance and purchase inputs from someone you know and trust, offering a whole-acre approach to farm management.
Plan Now For 2025
As we look toward the next planting season, talk to your advisor about how the AARx program and SECURE financing might align with your profitability and risk mitigation goals. The chance to explore new products, combined with reduced financing rates and a service warranty* might be just what you need to push your yield boundaries next season.
For more information about the AARx program or SECURE financing, contact your WinField United retailer.
*Agreement is required and conditions, restrictions and service fees apply. Percentage goals for the Approved Yield range from 95–105% for corn and 95–100% for soybeans. Due to factors outside of WinField United’s control, results to be obtained cannot be predicted or guaranteed by WinField United. Results may vary.
1 Based on USDA estimates from the October 11, 2024 production report. Average corn yield estimates 183.8 bu/ac (current record 177.3 set in 2023); average soybean yield estimates 53.1 bu/ac (current record 51.9 set in 2016).
2 2024 grower data.
All photos are either the property of WinField United or used with permission.
© 2024 WinField United. Important: Before use always read and follow label instructions. Crop performance is dependent on several factors many of which are beyond the control of WinField United, including without limitation, soil type, pest pressures, agronomic practices and weather conditions. Growers are encouraged to consider data from multiple locations, over multiple years and to be mindful of how such agronomic conditions could impact results. Advanced Acre, SECURE and WinField are trademarks of WinField United.