Farmer Stories: Answer Plots Help Farmers Take Advantage of Tech

From traited seed to remote sensing, it’s clear that staying on top of the latest advances in agriculture can be a daunting task for most farmers. When we design our Answer Plot® testing, the goal is to bring the latest technology and resources to farmers to help them grow their businesses. Visiting an Answer Plot location with your retailer can help you navigate ever-changing ag technology tools.
John Preussner of Dundee, Iowa, recalls the first Answer Plot event he attended 14 years ago. Like Michael, John has also found opportunities on his farm by using technology tools, namely the Characterization Charts (CHT) tool within R7.

He uses the information to place different hybrids on his farm as a way to help manage risk. John is confident in the data because it’s replicated over many environments and under different production practices.

Take advantage of new opportunities that are waiting to be found on your farm. Talk with your local WinField United retailer about visiting an Answer Plot location near you.
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in August 2018 and was updated in May 2019.
Capture opportunities
Michael Corderman, a corn and soybean grower in Armstrong, Iowa, says staying on top of technology makes him a better farmer. He’s attended Answer Plot events for several years for the progressive insights that are shared.
One of technology opportunities Michael discovered at an Answer Plot event could help him get more grain to market. Technology like this helps farmers allocate their resources to make their dollars work harder.

Finding answers at Answer Plot events
However, using the technology is just one part of the equation. Knowing how to process the information the technology supplies and apply it in practical ways is another hurdle farmers face. That’s where Answer Plot events can help. We demonstrate new technology, but we also help digest the data to reveal what impact it will have on your farm.
He uses the information to place different hybrids on his farm as a way to help manage risk. John is confident in the data because it’s replicated over many environments and under different production practices.

Take advantage of new opportunities that are waiting to be found on your farm. Talk with your local WinField United retailer about visiting an Answer Plot location near you.
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in August 2018 and was updated in May 2019.