• Feb 06, 2018

Boost ROI Potential: Attend a Spray Clinic

Sprayer Nozzle
If you’re looking for ways to make the most of your input dollars this season, look no further. It’s time for another round of Spray Clinics by WinField United, where local experts will be on hand to tackle your toughest questions and provide insights to improve your bottom line.
Farmers and applicators who attend a Spray Clinic find they are more prepared when spray season arrives. Attendees can increase their return on input investment potential because they are trained on the latest application procedures, research and technology. Topics and demos will vary depending on geography, but will likely include:
  • Best application practices – review of new regulations, label requirements, drift management techniques and sprayer cleanout for new and existing technologies
  • Comprehensive weed management planning – developing a robust plan to manage resistant or shifting weed populations using multiple, effective modes of action
  • Optimizing your spray program – choosing the right product, nozzles and rates for each acre; contingency planning and incorporating new products into your program
  • Insights update – new research and field observations that could help improve spray efficacy
  • Equipment enhancements – machinery updates and tools that improve efficiency and spray quality
Spray clinic topics will be tailored to local needs, so each event will be a little different. You’re guaranteed to learn something new this year, even if you’ve attended a Spray Clinic in the past. Our agronomist experts will be available to answer specific questions to ensure you get the most value from your spray program in 2018. You’ll leave with research-backed insights and the latest product information to help you make confident decisions for the coming season.
Spray Clinic locations and dates continue to be added. Contact your local retailer to find out how to participate in an event near you.