Advanced Acre Rx Program Has A Season of Success

Chances are you’ve been approached with an array of agronomic programs and offers throughout your farming career that all claim to give you more yield. We know. It gets old. We won’t bore you with the features and benefits of our Advanced Acre® Rx program. We’ll just tell you how it’s worked out in the field for other growers and let the results speak for themselves.
Impressed by the success and return on investment, the growers then enrolled their second 2022 crop, cotton, into an Impact Rx program. At one point in the growing season, a third-party crop consultant came out to check fields and recommended the farmers spray insecticide and apply another round of nitrogen.
Knowing they had to keep in line with their Impact Rx agreement, the growers ran the recommendation by their WinField United retailer. To double check the recommendation, the retailer visited the farm a couple days later to take some tissue samples and scout for pests. The retailer found no signs of insects nor tissue test results that would warrant a nitrogen application. Rather than selling the growers inputs they didn’t need, the retailer was able to identify an opportunity for savings by proactively scouting and tissue sampling.
This situation proved to the growers that Advanced Acre Rx is more than just an offer. It’s a relationship. It’s a way to mitigate risk, work with your retailer all season long and do what’s best for your acres and your balance sheet at every turn. This season of success was proof enough for the growers to upgrade their enrollment to the Elite Rx® program for the 2023 season.
Once his crop was in the ground, the grower kept thinking back on the Impact Rx proposition and decided to give it a try so he gave his retailer a call. He enrolled 6,000-8,000 acres to see if a premium fungicide application could really make an impact. He knew if it didn’t pay off, he’d be backed by the service warranty.*
The grower experienced great results and decided to not only bump up his enrollment to Elite Rx for 2023, but to move all 16,000 of his acres into the program.
Want to experience the same kind of success these growers did? Talk with your WinField United retailer about enrolling in an Advanced Acre Rx program for 2023.
*Agreement is required and conditions, restrictions and service fees apply. Percentage goals for the APH crop yield range from 95–105% for corn and 95–100% for soybeans. Only available to corn and soybean farmers who enroll a minimum of 250 acres of an individual crop in the program. Due to factors outside of WinField United’s control, results to be obtained cannot be predicted or guaranteed by WinField United. Results may vary.
All photos are either the property of WinField United or used with permission.
© 2022 WinField United. Important: Before use always read and follow label instructions. Crop performance is dependent on several factors many of which are beyond the control of WinField United, including without limitation, soil type, pest pressures, agronomic practices and weather conditions. Growers are encouraged to consider data from multiple locations, over multiple years and to be mindful of how such agronomic conditions could impact results. Advanced Acre, Impact Rx, Elite Rx, Answer Plot and WinField are trademarks of WinField United. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Texas Growers Find Success in Wheat and Cotton
A couple farmers in Texas and Oklahoma enrolled their wheat acres in a 2022 Impact RxÔ fungicide program. During the growing season, extremely dry weather conditions damaged most of the wheat fields in their area. However, the fields they had enrolled in the program had substantially higher yields than expected based on the conditions.Impressed by the success and return on investment, the growers then enrolled their second 2022 crop, cotton, into an Impact Rx program. At one point in the growing season, a third-party crop consultant came out to check fields and recommended the farmers spray insecticide and apply another round of nitrogen.
Knowing they had to keep in line with their Impact Rx agreement, the growers ran the recommendation by their WinField United retailer. To double check the recommendation, the retailer visited the farm a couple days later to take some tissue samples and scout for pests. The retailer found no signs of insects nor tissue test results that would warrant a nitrogen application. Rather than selling the growers inputs they didn’t need, the retailer was able to identify an opportunity for savings by proactively scouting and tissue sampling.
This situation proved to the growers that Advanced Acre Rx is more than just an offer. It’s a relationship. It’s a way to mitigate risk, work with your retailer all season long and do what’s best for your acres and your balance sheet at every turn. This season of success was proof enough for the growers to upgrade their enrollment to the Elite Rx® program for the 2023 season.
Tennessee Grower Upgrades From Impact Rx to Elite Rx Offer
In the spring of 2022, a WinField United retailer in Tennessee approached a corn, soybean and wheat grower he works closely with to discuss enrolling in the Impact Rx program. Busy with planting at the time, the grower didn’t jump at the offer.Once his crop was in the ground, the grower kept thinking back on the Impact Rx proposition and decided to give it a try so he gave his retailer a call. He enrolled 6,000-8,000 acres to see if a premium fungicide application could really make an impact. He knew if it didn’t pay off, he’d be backed by the service warranty.*
The grower experienced great results and decided to not only bump up his enrollment to Elite Rx for 2023, but to move all 16,000 of his acres into the program.
Why Do Growers Love Advanced Acre Rx Programs?
It’s not just talk. It’s not a ploy to get you to buy more products. In fact, sometimes it’s about cutting back. The Advanced Acre Rx program is designed to help you balance agronomics with economics in partnership with your retailer. WinField United provides agronomic guidelines based on 20+ years of Answer Plot® research and your local advisor tailors it to your local conditions. By using your approved yield as the measurable, numerical goal, we have a clearly defined way to measure success. And if we don’t meet that goal, we’ll back you up with a service warranty payment.Want to experience the same kind of success these growers did? Talk with your WinField United retailer about enrolling in an Advanced Acre Rx program for 2023.
*Agreement is required and conditions, restrictions and service fees apply. Percentage goals for the APH crop yield range from 95–105% for corn and 95–100% for soybeans. Only available to corn and soybean farmers who enroll a minimum of 250 acres of an individual crop in the program. Due to factors outside of WinField United’s control, results to be obtained cannot be predicted or guaranteed by WinField United. Results may vary.
All photos are either the property of WinField United or used with permission.
© 2022 WinField United. Important: Before use always read and follow label instructions. Crop performance is dependent on several factors many of which are beyond the control of WinField United, including without limitation, soil type, pest pressures, agronomic practices and weather conditions. Growers are encouraged to consider data from multiple locations, over multiple years and to be mindful of how such agronomic conditions could impact results. Advanced Acre, Impact Rx, Elite Rx, Answer Plot and WinField are trademarks of WinField United. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.